Be a Sponsor
What is River Towns Plein Air (RTPA)?
Founded in 2021, RTPA is central Pennsylvania's premier outdoor painting competition sponsored annually by Marietta Art Alive, the arts-in-action all-volunteer team of Rivertownes PA USA, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the art, culture and history of lower Susquehanna Valley river towns. The event attracts talented regional artists who paint on location in designated areas of Marietta, Columbia, and Wrightsville and points along the Susquehanna River. The artists compete for cash awards and exhibit their artwork during the culminating show and sale which attracts hundreds of tourists and art collectors to our region.
How will my gift be used to support the arts?
Donations are used for RTPA event operations including but not limited to marketing, exhibition installation, juror fees and artists' awards.
Is my gift tax deductible?
Your donation to Rivertownes PA USA 501c3 is tax deductible less the value of benefits received.
How can I donate to RTPA?
Donations may be made directly via the Marietta Art Alive website or by check payable to Rivertownes PA USA. Checks can be mailed to:
MH Art Gallery
42 W Market St 1st Floor
Marietta PA 17547